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Old 02-05-2008, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by mr.BeBoT View Post
Sorry Pibe38, perhaps I wasn't clear when I said 'intended email attachment method.' I was actually referring to the non-hack legit way of doing it --which is what the latest posts have been urging posters in this thread to do.

It's probably my mistake to pose the question regarding intermittent problems in this thread as the question was directed to people using the email method and nothing to do with the MMS hack.

Regardless it works again so it was probably just intermittent.
Actually, that's my bad... I apologize. There's just been so many posts about this that some times you just tune out parts of posts

Please accept my apology. Glad to hear that it works again. I don't use PicMail too often, and I have always used the e-mail method. I have always noticed a delay, but don't do it too often as to notice if there's one longer than usual.
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