Originally Posted by DaveTN
Bummer. Sorry. Was hoping that would do the trick.
EDIT: Have you gont into Data in the wireless settings and manually changed your data provider to "my ISP" or "work network"? For instance, when I am on a data connection, mine is set to "sprint". I wonder if changing yours to "my ISP" or "Work" would work for you? Its in the advanced settings in data.
We do think alike
Yes, I have tried that as well. That is why I am confused of why it happened all of a sudden.
Originally Posted by DaveTN
Are you even able to connect to a wifi network? I'm just wondering if it has something to do with the wifi standards wherever you are "abroad" (Edit) I saw that your other network is Alfa . I know my router has different settings for use in the US and Europe.
Yes, I am able to connect through WIFI. Opera mini works and Parlingo as well. Only FB app keeps telling me "retreiving data....". Weird huh.
Alfa is the network I connect to in Lebanon when I have my Lebanese Sim Card. But I am still using my Fido Sim Card.
Very kind kind of you for trying all you can to help, I really appreciate your concern and help