Re: Completely unbiased review of the Evo 4G.
Some of the reviewers that have the Evo are not the brightest bunch.
I saw, along with many others on this site, a review where the kid had nooo idea whatsoever what he was holding. Comments such as "It has a touch screen" and "It has a camera, by HTC." should ring a bell in your head and make you say this review is just plain bad.
The techcrunch review was just horrid as well. He admits to being an Apple fanboy. But he also states that he almost broke the kickstand off by trying to remove the battery?? What the hell....if you do not see the battery right off the bat when you remove the back cover then you should not be reviewing the phone. Simple as that. Then he said that battery was bad in 4G but he never tested in 4G so he contradicted himself.
I have seen many reviews stating the battery life is damn good. Engadget and Cnet being two reviews. Both names are highly trusted as well. If you use Advanced Task Killer, I'm sure it will increase battery life as well.
Remember, you have 30 days to try the phone, if you can't get used to the battery life, then return it. But for any high tech phones like this, battery life is going to be the main issue.
Personally, I think they should try putting in solar batteries in phones. That would be cool. Expensive but cool.