Originally Posted by Lynkz83
im working assisting xyc with a rom and im changing all the icons in the startmenu via the registry, all worked fine til i got to hklm/security/shell/startinfo/start/settings im having a really hard time switching out those icons some of theme were able to be switched by dropping a png file renamed to the original in the windows folder but the rest just wont take unless i pull apart the exe file and replace the *.ico but it doesnt like transparency, anyone have experience with this and can help me out?
I found the easiest way to change any of the icons that are located in the SYS was to go through and do a search for "start_icon" and then I would rename any icons that i wanted to change to that file name "start_icon_xxxx.png" and include all of those in an EXT package named zzz_icons and the icons in my EXT package would overwrite the .png that was in the SYS and then life is good. I only use the registry method when I am changing the icons associated with programs in my EXT. I hope that helps if you have any questions please feel free to ask i am typing this while I am half asleep