Originally Posted by Wesley762
Totally on board with you about the Keyboard, every Phone I have had since like 2004 has had a full qwerty keyboard on it. The hardware Keyboard is just something I am not willing to give up on yet. I am pretty sure that I will be with the TP2 for along time with the way the future is looking.
Another advantage to the TP2 keyboard is that when typing stuff, you still get to see an 800x480 screen. Where there is on-screen keyboard, most of the display is used by the keyboard and there is not much left for other things. Another advantage with the TP2 keyboard is the separate set of keys for numbers. Also most special characters is 2 key presses away. One has to press many keys to get to special symbols when on-screen keyboards are used. Now, if they came up with an EVO with a physical keyboard, then all bets are off.