Originally Posted by vaughnmr
So what's the verdict on the new Rootrom? Not interested in the Whiterom.
Originally Posted by Terencec
Is there a link for the new RootRom, I can't seem to find it.
There is no new rootROM....yet. MY verdict on the tester is...it rocks. root has not released an official version. Only reason I can think of is he has a life-shocking, I know
Havent tried Whiteroot to compare as I'm on vacay but the rootROM tester has been rock solid for a few days now. The only major issue is video MMS-cant do it-but we haven't been able to for the past few rootROMs
Hopefully root is enjoying the holiday weekend and will jump back into the kitchen when life allows.
If you want to take the tester for a spin root posted it