Thread: Cam 2 Cam
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Old 05-30-2010, 11:31 PM
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Re: Cam 2 Cam

Theres hope! I have sucessfully done this myself. Grab some tin foil paper. Make a hat with a sharp point on the top. Then crazy glue some electrical tape onj both sides. Grab your Tp2 and plug the wires to the usb port under it. Gorrilla glue the wire secure bto the usb port. Then duck tape the phone to your forehead facing forward so the cam can capture your face. Then... a little over dead time (3am for u non believers).... climb up your chimaney and peek out the top and face south to the Orion nebula. The try to make contact with bthe reptilian race from the elussive Planet X ( Niburo to be correct). Once you make contact.. tell them to send a telepathic message to the person you wish to do a face to face video chat. And Walla! there u have it! Again...... beware! For the long distance charge the Reptilians may want to probe you later that week so I suggest to change underwear.
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