Originally Posted by OMGWTF_BBQ
Nice! A great first impression. I live in Vegas and 4G is widespread here, so this is a HUGE selling point for me.
What kind of battery life have you noticed? This seems to be the biggest complaint right now. My TP2 gets about a day, but it's barely been lasting me as of lately.
To compare the 3G to 4G, I've got a test for you. Have you tried using Opera Mini? On my Touch Pro 2 it super charges the internet, I rarely ever complain about slow loading of any type.
I'd love to see a Opera Mini 3G vs 4G and a Dolphin 3G vs 4G comparison if anyone could demo it.
I know that Mini loads the website on Opera's server then compresses the data and sends it over to your mobile handset. I just wonder if there really is a need for a 4G connection with this cloud computing technology.
I just read this TechCrunch article by a iPhone lover and he grilled the Evo BAD. I feel as if he's extremely bias though and probably just feels "threatened" by a phone with such potential.
I am starting to get a bit irritated by the iPhone 4G. The 'leaked' screen resolution of 960 x 640 does make me uneasy. I love having WVGA and more pixels per inch always has me interested.
Th battery life has been pretty good. Not as good as my TP2, but to be fair I have been using it a lot. I will have to wait a little while once the initial excitement wares off and I stop using It constantly to pass final judgement. But considering everything this phone is able to do then its still pretty good.
Might get a Seido slimline extended battery on eBay though if there are any good prices.