Originally Posted by srtpusher
at my store i am rolling any extra devices to the 2nd wave preorders as are most stores in our disctrict. the people who line up will be offered a preorder for next wave of shipment.
THIS is how things SHOULD be done. Telling someone who pre-ordered the EVO that people coming in off the street can just walk in and get one before him/her is nonsense. I mean, it's just bad business in my opinion. Damn, now I'm actually REALLY pissed off about the fact that I have to get up at like 6am and camp out this Friday. I shouldn't have to do that.
So, do they just let each BB do whatever they want? ...because, like I said, not all BBs are planning on doing the same thing.
@srtpusher: Hey, maybe you could call the Crestwood, MO BB and let 'em know how to run things. lol