Originally Posted by mrspeedmaster
Hey, I am always running down to 30-40 megs. Every day. So a taskiller is vital to me.
I don't know why but I get a lot of apps that launch by themselves like City ID, Twidroid, Footprints. I never use them.
The only problem with using a Task Killer is that they also kill system daemons. E.G. Alarm clock. When I kill everything, the Alarm clock never works despite the fact, I still have the icon on top. I have to reboot my Droid at night to make sure my alarm clock works.
i use "advanced task killer (ATK)" and i simply added the "clock" app to the exceptions list. so even if i kill all apps, the clock remains open and my alarm works as intended. i trust it everyday of the week to wake up for work, and it has not let me down.