Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1
wasnt me, that was jackass steve using my name. lol
whatever he said wasnt me, my pc crashed but juggs said he was on using my name.
Further proof Flyers idolizes you and wants to be your beotch
Originally Posted by ProDriver77
Wirelessly posted (HTC Touch Pro2 (Sprint): Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Flashed this ROM this morning. Now that everything is loaded, RAM usage seems to be about the same as the old one. Definitely feels a little snappier, but i could stand to have more free RAM. Currently running about 74-84%. Drops to about 71% after running CleanRAM, then right back up to 74+% after an hour or so.
Seems this started occuring after installing Cookie's Home Tab. Anyone else having this issue?
I'm running CHT also with a crapload of apps loaded and my RAM is sittin at 63%, but as it's been noted before, don't sweat the numbers alone, it's the system caching stuff, as long as it's still running snappy and not lagging, don't worry about it.
Originally Posted by Wesley762
Nice to get to see a SS with that Wallpaper, you should use HDwalls and get it full screen lol.
Welcome to VIP!