Originally Posted by augozageek
just wondering. And I've been using tons of roms the past month. Has anyone else noticed the internet it slower on their sprint tp2? and the evo is going to be 4g??? Maybe its just the normal 3g. Idk, just a theory...
If your downloading stuff I suggest downloading to your sd card..this insures you keep stuff that you plan to use in future roms...
The internet isn't really slower but if you updated to the new sprint radio in 6.5 it may have effected the speed in your area.
Yes the evo will be 4g but it also can do 3g..its like a hybrid car..the 4g used by sprint is called wimax. speed will be up to 10mbps dld and 1mbps dld at the moment. (not all cities have 4g yet though)
Originally Posted by Wesley762
Not sure what you are trying to get at? are you wanting to know where to install programs on your Main memory or storage card, or just complaining about a slow connection on your service?
I think it is separate questions..