Re: EVO Pic/Vid samples [Videos Up]
Ok...compared to my current digital camera, the Canon SX110, which is a 9mp camera...the video quality hands down it 100% better. 640x480 is all my camera can do for video...but I have to say first hand from seeing those pictures, this camera is quite good..almost great.
Like some previous post, how do you say the Pre takes better pictures? They look as good, maybe a little better than my TP2 takes...and I didn't know the sky was purple either :P
Basically what I'm saying is that for $199 (After Rebate) your getting a pretty damn good phone, with exceptional camera and picture quality. You really can't ask for more a such a reasonable price. Now if the Evo was going for $699 or $899...I would be worried..but all in all from what I've seen...The Evo does the job supurbly.