Originally Posted by Wesley762
You know Sprint is losing money on these users I just call em how I see them.
I highly doubt that Sprint is losing money on Sero's general population
At worst they break even....
Maybe the Sero ppl that have gotten discounts stcked on top of sero...
If Sprint was losing money on sero the plug would of been plugged a long time ago just like Sprint did a cpl years back to the subscribers that were calling custome support too much...
losing potential higher profit sounds more logical IMO...
If I didnt have Sero I would still be with Verizon or TMobile before paying full price to Sprint....
With 2 $30 sero accounts my bill still averages around $90 after taxes....I dont roam and I dont use more than 5gb of data...
So I'm sure they still get to keep some of my money in their pockets...
Besides the Evo being a Sprint normal plan exclusive, 1 of EVO's features and 2 features unavailble from the EVO is the dealbreaker for me (4g N/A in minneapolis yet, kb, tethering)