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Old 05-28-2010, 09:16 PM
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Lightbulb Evo 4G Vs. Incredible video quality

For the people complaining. Shut it.
A lot of people probably don't notice the difference on youtube, due to them not having a hd monitor or tv to view the youtube vids of the Evo 4G in its true quality. So I decided to screen capture the vids so some of the hd-less can have some sort of idea.

Evo 4G is on the top, Incredible on the bottom.

Not trying to bash the Incredible ( i actually admire it. ) Just want to let people see the comparison.

The Hd on the Evo is clear.

- Look at the right side of the pic wear you can see the silver car back window and look at the ridges shown on the Incredible and how smooth it look on the Evo.

- Look at Noahs forehead it look as if someone made it with a bunch of legos on the Incredible ( notice the small squares ) compared to the Evo 4G

- Notice how the pavement on the Incredible video doesn't look authentic and kinda have a cartoon-y look to it. While the Evo 4G looks more true to life.

- And where is the nice blue sky in the Incredible video? Did it disappear

I can name a few more but I guess you get the picture.

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