Originally Posted by Eschelon
We're simply trying to show the OP that his logic is flawed... and I think we've been pretty respectful while doing so
Oh, ya?
I , the OP, am telling you:
#1. you don't know the terms of THEIR license agreement
#2 you didn't even take the time to READ their license agreement after I took the time to POST it for YOU.
So, my logic IS intact and I'd appreciate it if you did some research, or at least READ posts, before you accuse people of having flawed logic.
If people just read before posting, they wouldn't make an ass of themselves.
Furthermore, people complain about me highlighting and using large font.
But, even after I do that, people STILL post comments after not reading the highlighted text.
Here, I'll even post a link to their license agreement:
But, if people aren't even going to read what I post, I doubt they will take the time to follow a link.