Originally Posted by radar369
So NOW the question is will the EVO be able to use the apps the need 4G to function over a Wifi connection?! If so that I could REALLY care less about 4G, even if it comes to my city!
unless you live in grand rapids dont expect 4g anywhere else in MI for 2010. as with any compact device radios tear up battery use. there is no way around that. at least you are getting a 1500 mAh battery with the ability to have as many charged up spares that your wallet can tolerate. whereas the fruitphone from cupertino has all the mobile charge its going to have until its back on some sort of charger.
in the long run if you need to be the first one in the big D to have one then go ahead and get one, but if you are waiting for 4g in that area... no dice in 2010 (although miracles do happen)