Originally Posted by IronRed
i'm on day four of energy rom. i noticed it doesn't have a manilla locker on it. i had one SOD yesterday and i noticed the battery was hot. i'll wait another few days because it was around day 5 that my SOD would happen hourly.
ithink maybe manilla locker could be the problem. a better stat would be for everyone that has not experienced a SOD to give input.
energy rom actually has everything working on it?
i thought he left in modules and such and he dont use 6.5 nk as far as i know.
Originally Posted by ICantAffordIt
SOD this morning on the charger. I was in home-only mode on the phone. Battery was normal temperature with the full-charge ring lit up.
so after it charged all night?
if, and/or not... could u have plugged up the phone when it was almost dead ?
btw... i think u guys noticed it.. but maybe not... all the tp2 stock roms have SOD's... there was an article on here or on xda a few weeks ago i think... so maybe there is a problem with some packages that was used in them(im using some also... not sure exactly which ones though... i think i updates atleast 90% of my packages to the new leo and hussian)
also, what is u guys settings to auto update(email, weather, facebook, twitter and such) maybe thats an issue somehow.
actually i think that is the only thing that makes any sense... the device crashes somehow when trying to update something... which would indicate that it's either a problem with the program that tries to update(could be sys or an htc package) or that manila locker is causing a conflict which makes it crash.
i never had one SOD on my starting with sys 21903 and a few of the previous ones... so i really dont know how to find what might be doing it for u guys.