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Old 05-27-2010, 08:50 PM
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Re: [UNLOCKED-RADIOS] - - 2.32.00WU/2.23.00WU/1.96.10WU Radio Unlocked for US Network

Originally Posted by digitaldust View Post
i have my phone SIM unlocked through verizon, does that mean it is security unlock now, I hate to brick my phone trying to upgrade the radio. if not then how can i security unlock my phone, followng the link on the first page will also unlock sim so i dont know if that will cause any harm since the phone is already sim unlocked.
if verizon unlocked the sim, you should be able to flash the radio. if you get stuck in bootloader, just flash the relocker i posted earlier.

Originally Posted by gaganit View Post
In order to run this, does it require HSPL unlock or SIM unlock or both?
just the sim unlock, hspl lets you flash custom roms.
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