Originally Posted by rose1
I'm sure the phone is worth more than the retail of $199. Would you rather pay $399 for the phone and not have the $10 fee?
Um, yes. Absolutely. All plans being equal.
$199 + $240 = $439 i.e. $10/month on 24/mo contract
$399 = $40 cheaper, and that's assuming you you don't continue past your 2 year contract in which case cash up front is an even better deal.
I decided I'm not buying EVO anyway, no matter how bad I want it.
For me the math is even MORE broken.
I would have to buy 2 (wife always upgrades with me).
Forced ED plan +$10 would double my existing 2-phone retention plan from $75 to $150 a month.
$1800 more over two years. No thanks. EVO is not worth that.
Would I pay $399 cash each for 2 EVOs if I could keep my current plan?
Yes, it would save me $1000 over 2 years.
I'm waiting it out until I can provision this phone on my existing account.
I give it less than 6 months. And almost for sure when I am out of contract in December 2010.