Originally Posted by jdmsohc22
I heard from a lil birdie that AT&T opted out of the contract with the iPhone due to a new contract being supplemented with the iPad...
Also that the iPhone 4G is supposed to be part of Sprints June releases... I'm skeptically as can be so I'll believe it when I see it but ehh' last time I heard a rumor it was that Sense 2.5 was officially being released for us TP2 users, and well, that came true so we'll see...
If the iPhone hits sprint, I will be back on sprint in a heartbeat with an Evo and an iPhone on a TEP.
The worst thing about the iPhone is that att won't insure it, but on CDMA it is easier to insure because you can blacklist the ESN (I know they can be flashed to other cdma carriers but still...) and on GSM you can't do that so you can just use a stolen device like it ain't no thang.
I would LOVE to rock an iPhone HD AND an evo, that would be uber pimp!