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Old 05-27-2010, 09:30 AM
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Re: How to activate on boost mobile?

I've been using my Titan with Boost for almost a year. The data speeds compared to cricket are so much better its a joke. I purchased a plain jain boost cdma phone off ebay then activated it with boost. a week later I called and requested to switch phones. They have a list of esn that are approved and if your phone is not on that list then sorry no soup for you. I had 3 different titans and the only one that was on their list was the sprint mogul (sorry verizon xv6800 folks.)
Here is the trick. They will tell you how to program the phone but they will give you directions how to do a plain jain phone. Just nod, say thank you and be sure to write down the MSID, etc. then using a stock sprint rom program the phone. It will work! After you make a call and hop on the internet get yourself a good rom from Ryan Mogul etc....
Do not mention the word smartphone, mogul etc... If they ask you what kind of phone play dumb, "I don't know it has buttons dude the guy at the store sold it to me." etc... Combine sprints service with the auto repay by boost (no taxes included) and for $48 per month you've got a pretty nice set up. Granted the roaming is nearly as good as the full meal deal from Sprint or Verizon but for half off not a bad way to go.
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