Originally Posted by TheLovatScout
Heres my problem there. My TP2 turns off when I drop it on a table or anything that will make a slight impact to it. Even if I slide it open the keyboard impact will shut off the phone! Very annoying, but I was going to exchange it (repair) later when I want to sell it. Well, now Sprint is saying there is "water damage" on the phone because of that stupid water marker thing which is in a horrible spot.
So now I have to dish out $100 for a new TP2. I don't know if I want to dish out $100 and then sell it for $250 on CL (whatever CL is), when I can trade it to best buy for about $120-$160. Because subtract 100 (for the repair) and then me selling it for 250 on CL, it comes out to be $150. Same deal pretty much. I'm going to go to Best Buy later today and get a quote on my actual phone. I'll come back and let everyone know what they want for it. If it's lower than $150 then I'm going to be asking Shell and Dave some questions about selling bbl.
i believe, the fine print for the trade in phones, states something about a certain condition. i don't think you will get the $120-$160 that u are hoping for. i may be wrong, but i believe i read this.