Originally Posted by cd85233
It be interesting to see some before and after shots with the suggestions above.
There is no difference in picture quality from a pixle standpoint. Where you'll see the difference is since the software no longer has the built in lag, your target will have less chance of moving, and you will have less chance of moving your hand/phone while taking the picture.
I've been doing some research and have not come up with an answer. But through trial and error I've at least come to a conclusion.
Results of using the edit/cab seem to be varried. Some say it works, some say there's no effect. I say there is; HOWEVER, there is a snag. This edit reduced the lag between when auto focus locks and the image is stored...therefore, if you are a coffee junkie like me, auto focus will be slower, an therefore the lock will be slower, and there will still be lag.
Try this, open your camera and look at the + with the box around it. That box is the camera trying to auto focus...no picture will be taken while the camera is trying to focus (this is why there is no degredation of picture quality). If you are Mr. Steady Hand, the auto focus time will be shorter, and therefore have better results with the reg edit.....if you are a coffee junkie like me....try increasing ISO to 400, that will help a bit more.
Sorry this is long winded, but any thoughts or comments, feel free to PM or share.