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Old 05-27-2010, 12:36 AM
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Re: Extremely curious to what you would do- POLL

Originally Posted by ShakeyBonez View Post
My love for WinMo. While everyone was busy talking about how awful WinMo was, I was loving it. Then TouchFlo/Sense came out and I was hooked. I've always enjoyed the Flashing and openness of the platform. I'm also an accountant and needed the Office side of it as well.

Bottom line is, everyone starting getting ga ga over these little apps, and I was struck stupid thinking, "Why on earth would you need them?"

I'm jumping ship as it were, because of the apparent closed nature the Windows 7 Platform is headed.

BTW, does Android have Open Office, or something to that nature for excel, word, and pdf's?
Android has documents to go which lets you view all of that with the lite version and editing of all those with the pro version which is normally 29.99 but on sale for 14.99 right now before major update. If you new pro version comes out you will get the updated version when its available. Documents to go is made by DataViz, Inc
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Last edited by p-slim; 05-27-2010 at 12:45 AM.
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