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Old 05-26-2010, 11:19 PM
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Re: [05/09/10] ★SPRINT LOVER'S 6.5.X★ | Build 28232 | Organization | Speed |

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
Should have a fresh update for you guys within the hour. It will have the incoming call gap fixed as well as support for an incoming phone call if the phone's display is slid out. (For some reason the default phone canvas from the stock sprint rom doesnt seem to show an incoming call when the screen is slid out and a call comes in.) Anyways, the phone canvas still lacks some landscape features but works great for me in portrait (the only positional issue I noticed is when the save to contacts page comes up there is the small gap on top but barely noticable). I have also changed the today wallpaper to show some HD MINI love since it was the standard background for the 6.5.3 system. Hope you guys enjoy! Ill try to post some screenshots in a few minutes.

Looking good. Downloading as I type! Its flashing time!!!

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