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Old 05-26-2010, 05:53 PM
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Re: Not Eligible for an Upgrade till 9/7/10

Agent: Thank you for visiting Sprint. What questions can I answer for you today?

You: I have a few question about upgrading my current phone to the new EVO phone coming in on June 4th

Agent: I would love to address any questions you might have today.

Agent: Let's move this chat and make it a window of its own. That way, you'll still see this web page while we chat. Please click 'Yes' to move it now.

Agent: Simply click on the white "Yes" button below and we can continue.

You: ok

Agent: Thank you for moving the chat.

Agent: What questions can I answer for you?

You: I have to see what kind of options do I have if I want to upgrade my phone to the new EVO phone

Agent: To provide the best experience, HTC EVO 4G will use Sprint?s industry-leading Everything Data or Business Advantage Messaging and Data plans that include unlimited Web, texting and calling on the Sprint Network to every mobile in America with Any Mobile, Anytime. Everything Data plans start at $69.99 per month.

Agent: A $10 Premium Data add-on will apply allowing customers to take advantage of all that HTC EVO 4G can do.

Agent: EVO is priced at $199.99 with a two-year service agreement and after a $100 mail-in rebate (taxes excluded) with a new line activation or eligible upgrade. Pre-registration is available now at

You: I'm I eligible for an upgrade?

Agent: To confirm your eligibility for an upgrade, may I please have your billing ZIP code and the telephone number of the device you would like to upgrade?

You: xxxxxx / xxxxxxxxxx

Agent: One moment please.

You: ok

Agent: Sorry, but you are not eligible for upgrade savings at this time. On 09/01/2010 you would be eligible for $75 with a two-year subscriber agreement (or $25 with a one-year agreement). On 07/01/2011 you would be eligible for $150 with a two-year subscriber agreement (or $75 with a one-year agreement).

You: That’s not good news

Agent: So on 07/01/2011 you would be able to take advantage of the online prices and promotions. Unfortunately I do not have the ability to see what the price would be on 07/01/2011.

Agent: Sorry about that.

You: So if I wanted to get the EVO I would have to pay $200 after the mail in rebate?

Agent: You would have to pay the retail price which is 449.99.

Agent: On 09/01/2010 you would get 75 off the retail price with a two year agreement extension

You: Oh no.

Agent: I’m sorry about that.

You: I really want to get this phone

Agent: You can always add a line to your account in order to get the prices and promotions on the Evo.

You: but I can’t afford $449

Agent: If you add a line you would only have to pay the 199.99 after the 100 dollar mail in rebate.

Agent: How does that sound like?

You: but how much does it cost to get another line?

Agent: It depends, which plan are you currently on?

You: 69.99 everything plan

Agent: Okay you would actually have to switch to a family plan which includes the first two phones in the monthly rate. I would recommend the Everything Data Share Plan which is your current plan with two phones.

Agent: The monthly cost for the Everything Data Family Plan varies depending on the number of Anytime Minutes you choose. You can select 1500 minutes to share for $129.99, or 3000 minutes for $169.99.

Agent: You'll also receive unlimited nights starting at 7 pm, unlimited weekends, Any Mobile, Anytime (unlimited domestic mobile calls), nationwide long distance and no roaming charges.

Agent: The first two lines are included, and each additional line will be $19.99 per phone, per month, up to 5 phones.

You: that plan doesn’t sound good to me at all.

Agent: Okay not a problem, you do not have to switch plans to add a line, its just an option.

You: I might have to wait for the upgrade date, or cancel my current phone and pay the early termination feed

You: paying $500 for a phone or changing my plan to a higher rate will not work for me.

Agent: Okay im sorry about that.
"Yup, There's an .apk for that"

Originally Posted by BillJr106 View Post
"Hey did anyone hear about release of the Windows Mobile 6.5 update
for the Touch Pro 2 coming out tomorrow??!!
I just read at the top of this thread and wanted to share it with everyone"

Last edited by fceeviper; 05-26-2010 at 05:56 PM.
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