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Old 05-26-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Deimoss View Post
Htc build 21660.5.3.0 does indeed have native 21660 Office 2010 included, a first for this line of SYS

and just when i thought i had figured out their dev plan.
I thought 216xx was meant to be stripped, while 23 got threaded email and such, and office 2010

I did patch 21660 for threaded email, but if anyone cooks it in without changes as is, check the email types, it might be threaded natively? (more of a wish, but you never know now)

Also the edits on the page 201 worked like a charm, Deleting the input redirect key, and transplanting 23568's Voice Command

I was transplanting 23542 package, which works everywhere but 21660, but this 23568 package works
-one thing though, how can i change it so that Voice Command from 23568 cooks in disabled, (without a checkmark) As of right now its enabled at boot, but also takes up a little RAM. rather use it when i really need it with long send key, like when driving thanks!
i'm using tellme right now instead of voice command. seems to be working well.

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