Re: t-mobile yanks new hd2 rom update
I'm using the update, not because I'm "afraid of flashing", but rather because it's better than any custom ROM i've seen so far for the HD2. I'm not a stranger to flashing ROMs, been doing it for a very long time. The HD2 ROM scene however has somehow been surprisingly disappointing.. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, this is not a personal attack or anything like that, I just haven't found a single ROM yet that works better the stock overall. It's just not as exciting either as it used to be with the Diamond and TP2 etc.
The update actually fixes my only real issue with the original stock ROM - lag in HTC messaging. My screen sensitivity is totally fine after the update, not sure why some people are affected by it. Even if you are affected, there is a pretty easy fix for it with a couple regedits.
The reason I think this update was pulled was because of download issues. But if you get a good download you should be just fine.