Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
Originally Posted by bignadad
Originally Posted by krautdog
Big I have a question I don't think has been asked yet...
I am so in love with your new ColorROM with all the amazing color and detail in the icons, HTC menus etc. that I don't want to give that up even with how awesome we know MaxSense will be. Will the ROM that you are releasing with MaxSense cooked in have the same flavor? I realize I could load the new Max onto ColorRom, but my inclination is to do the new ROM w/Max cooked in for a nice clean new install. What say you? Thanks brother.
Yes, new MaxSense ROM will be close to identical on the WinMo side of things...Manila will completely change.. nothing like it used to be.. which is a good thing..
Oh man, sooo glad to hear that! Thank you kindly for the quick response!