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Old 05-26-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: 3G Compatibility Help

Originally Posted by flatlander_2k5 View Post
Alrighty, so I recently acquired both a Sprint version and a T-Mobile version of the Touch Pro 2...

Got everything unlocked and such, but my question is: Can either of them use AT&T's 3G or am I going to be stuck on EDGE with both of them? Based on everything I can find, the T-Mo is pretty much hopeless, but I'm not too sure about the Sprint. Idk, maybe a new radio or something could fix the T-Mo issue?

Thanks for the help, just trying to figure out how I should approach this. If I find out for sure that the Sprint version is capable, I might just try to find someone willing to trade for the T-Mobile or something.
From my understanding the Sprint phone will not get 3G on US GSM carriers just 1X but someone correct me if I am wrong please.
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