Originally Posted by gammarho55
bit of a double standard, though, don't you think? we flame newbs for posting in the wrong forums and opening useless threads and we wonder why we can't get them to stop.
quick note
"we flame newbs for posting in the wrong forums and opening useless threads"
Not we. I never do this... check ALL my post... i know what a pain in the ass it is to search and i will always provide answers to all questions asked on my thread. i never say "try searching first" or "you idiot, that questions been asked many times already"
i do not mind keeping my threads alive with conversation... since i started making threads NO OF THEM have strayed off topic for too long, and if they did who gives a damn.. this is a social network... isn't that whats supposed to happen? if someone asks a question that has been asked.. not the end of the world.. ill answer it... when you get to have 100's of pages on a thread, anything you search for with this method is somewhat confusing for some users.