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Old 05-25-2010, 10:01 PM
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Evo root is here. UPDATE 5/26/10

Paul over at modaco made a Superboot for the EVO PlankLongBeard released it on twitter a bit ago.

if you had a nexus one and wanted to root through superboot this is all you would have to do

How to use Superboot - Windows, Linux and OSX

- Download the Superboot zip file above and extract to a directory
- Put your device in bootloader mode - Turn off the phone then press and hold the trackball to enter the bootloader
- WINDOWS - double click 'install-superboot-windows.bat'

here are his superboots for the nexus so you can get familiar with it. this is looking really good,

here is the latest from people who have rooted the evo. 5/26/10
follow this website for info and pics

No surprise here: lots of people are interested in the details of the root process. There’s four reasons why we aren’t releasing anything yet:

1. We’re still working on making the root ’sticky’. The current root doesn’t persist beyond a reboot, meaning you need to root it every time you reboot the device.
2. We want to package up the rooter in an easy-to-install, one-click application so we’re not holding people’s hands through adb shell.
3. We don’t want to give HTC any details that they could use to fix the hole before the official release.
4. We want to make sure that when Froyo is released on this device, we can still get root on it.

#1 is the only real technical challenge left, but we’ve almost cracked it. Stay tuned for details.

FWIW, I can’t use my HTC Evo up here in Canada, so I’ll be selling or trading it after we finish everything up. It’s a great phone, but the best parts of it come from being a great network device.
Sprint Evo
T-Mobile Nexus One
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Last edited by p-slim; 05-26-2010 at 08:34 PM.
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