Originally Posted by jbearamus
i didn't say it wouldn't need a different antenna i said it wouldn't necessarily need a more powerful one, just closer tower coverage when comparing 2.5ghz to 700 mhz. and yes to switch back and forth you would need a different antenna tuned to the different frequency. however the issue isn't frequency its technology, LTE isn't exclusive to 700 mhz, if sprint/clear want run LTE through 2.5ghz they can, which is where the software update comes in. i have no idea if its true or not but Clear insists that they can move from WiMax to LTE with a software update on the network but i've never heard anyone say anything about updating software on phones. so i wonder if its even possible, and even if it is i doubt sprint would float the idea because if they upgrade everything they can't sell ya a new phone
were you just talking about returns in general?
i was talking about phones when it came to returns. I didn't know phone service had a different return policy, everything in cali is 30 days, so if you only got 14 days on certain things and 30 days on others i didnt know that.
yeah they will be able to upgrade their network to wimax, but you are correct phones in general will need more then a software update, especially since sprint can sell you another phone like you pointed out.