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Old 05-25-2010, 06:53 PM
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Re: Well.. this sucks for EVO 4G owners to be (including me)

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
the phone itself would need a completely different physical antenna. A software upgrade on the device from wimax to lte wouldn't be possible. if the radio built into the evo was a multiple band wimax/lte radio then it would be possible, but the radio put into Evo will only support wimax.
i didn't say it wouldn't need a different antenna i said it wouldn't necessarily need a more powerful one, just closer tower coverage when comparing 2.5ghz to 700 mhz. and yes to switch back and forth you would need a different antenna tuned to the different frequency. however the issue isn't frequency its technology, LTE isn't exclusive to 700 mhz, if sprint/clear want run LTE through 2.5ghz they can, which is where the software update comes in. i have no idea if its true or not but Clear insists that they can move from WiMax to LTE with a software update on the network but i've never heard anyone say anything about updating software on phones. so i wonder if its even possible, and even if it is i doubt sprint would float the idea because if they upgrade everything they can't sell ya a new phone

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
oh ok, that must not apply to cell phones
were you just talking about returns in general?
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