Re: [ROM] [04-XX-10] MR.X Sense 2.5_2012 [Build 21889.5.0.87]
While we are waiting for the new ROM, I thought I would report 2 problems with the 4-22 ROM that I did not see reported anywhere. First, when I am making a phone call, when I take the phone away from my ear I often have the Notifications screen open up, which covers up the phone call screen, making it tough to end my call w/o using the hardware button. Don't know if this is due to me needing to calibrate the GSensor, although I thought I had. I will double check that. The other problem I am seeing is that after a few days of use, my sound starts turning itself off. I shut the phone off and recharge every night, but I only noticed this after a few days of fairly heavy use. I do put the phone on vibrate when I am in meetings, but I take it off vibrate when the meeting is over. In all these cases, a soft reset clears things up for a while.
ROM Du Jour: 12.08.10.NackedPlutonium_23150 + SPB Mobile Shell
Radio: 2.32WU