Originally Posted by william_fold
If you edit the 26948339_manila file, you can add or remove whichever tab you want to include. 26948339_manila is just an xml file, so its easy to edit...
I just can not get the right combo.
Tried : Manila Engine with Ind. Tabs and All Tabs. Didn't work!
Tried : Manila Engine with Ind. Tabs and no All Tabs. Didn't!
Tried : Manila Core with Inds. Tabs and All Tabs. Didn't work!
BTW: What is the manila Core for?
The only thing that will work and give me home screen combo; is Manila 2.5 with Manila Engine. If I include the All Tabs and anything like the E-reader all I getting is Launching HTC Sense.
And you didn't say if I need to remove the dll's left in the Ind. Tab folders.
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