Originally Posted by bdurst08
I just noticed that I was having this problem. Starting a couple weeks ago. Is there something that I can do to fix it. I do have the autoupdate box checked. i have never had this problem before. I have not added anything lately as FF has been running awesome for me.
Anyone have any suggestions? I do use my QPS quite a bit, so its kinda annoying to have to check my qgps if i am not getting a lock..
Thanks for the Hard Work Mike! Still loving the ROM!
I have this issue with FF too - my GPS stopped working the other day, I thought it was a hardware problem from me dropping my phone one too many times. Turned out when I went into QuickGPS it showed expired. I was able to manually update and then GPS functionality was fine. Doing manual updates isn't the end of the world, but it would be nice to have this little bug squashed.