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Old 05-25-2010, 12:46 AM
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Re: EVO 4G Review from Slashgear

Well, personally, I don't buy the marketing of the "phone's capabilities" as a reason to charge more. While the 4G is a beast, there is nothing special enough about it to charge more for, except the 4G.

Look, while the Droid Incredible is spec-wise inferior to the 4G, it is only slightly so. It doesn't have 4G and it doesn't have a front facing camera. Big Woop. So, being what it is, Verizon isn't charging more. That's what makes it obvious to me that the charge is for 4G, okay? It's all relative.

If it was really about "capabilities", Sprint would have charged more for TV-Out for the TP1 and TP2, or when phone cams went from 2MP to 3.2. Point blank, no one charges for "capabilities", that's silly, they charge for service, or else this practice would have been seen on other carriers. Well, it already kinda is....iPhone Data, lol

And I won't go into financials again...some people have different ideas of money than other's, hence why there are different classes in society. We'll just agree to disagree on that one.

Otherwise, I think it was a great review, but for some reason, they really didn't let the EVO SHINE! Mandatory Fee aside, it's a great phone, the best out right now, and higher spec'd than the DROID Incredible, yet the Incredible get's better reviews. That's just wrong.

Originally Posted by ChrisH09 View Post
I love how vegue these reviewers are...the $10 fee for the millionth time is not the 4G network persa...Its the phones capibilities, plus 4G. If you live in a 3G area right now your still going to benifit from the Evo, faster processor, HDMI out, 8mp camera and 1.3 on the front and believe it or not the web browsing on 3G is fast too due to the added HP of the Snapdragon 1Ghz Processor. Is there any other phone out there right now that even comes close to it? NO...

$10 in the scheme of things is a small price to pay...I don't understand why so many people are getting bent out of shape about it. If it makes you feel any better you would be paying on average about $20-30 more on Verizon's Network, for no 4G at all...just priceplan, data plan and some other it really isn't a huge deal.

I actually went into a store today, and the sales rep had a Evo 4G, live working and running 4G....I feel in love at first site...he let me play with it for a good 20min and I asked him all types of questions....and believe me...that phone will make you smile to no end when you have it in your hands....It has everything you would ever want installed, speed, and screen size.

I wish I could have taken it with me but it was his...but I will for sure get it here in a few months when I have my Premier upgrade...
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