Originally Posted by flyers2114
You need to make sure you have a good signal for auto-prov....its def not broke....too many have had success with it on both MM and MRX roms...
since i wasnt the first to report this and I have an Airave, im relatively sure something is wrong, just for S&G (shits and giggles) i went back to 5-01, AutoProv worked perfectly, Task29 back to 5-24, had to run Provision Device...
I would like to see if more people have this issue, and if the other person who had the issue has an airave, it could be the timing was changed as in 5-01 it was fine for the Airave and 5-24 its off, its too much of a variable right now unless others chime in or test it out for them-self's (but still 3 times for me testing and 5-01 works but not 5-24, but again thats why i say relatively sure instead of 100% sure