Originally Posted by aznmode
Thank you jbearamus. I already know my plan is not in their system to recover to anymore. My plan is to get the Evo on a new contract with a new number etc. If I like it then I'll close the old plan. If I don't like it then I return it and will still have my old plan =). No damage done...well except for the $50 gift card that I probably will have to find some way to use.
good plan
Originally Posted by klimb22
@jbearamus, Even though my line is available for an upgrade, I'm going to be activating my pre-ordered EVO on a new line on my family plan. Sort of a trial run and I do not want to disrupt handling business on my main line while learning Android. My question is, would I get out of the store faster if I set up the line with Sprint on an old phone a day before or so and just do an upgrade? Or would it take the same amount of time just adding the line at RS when I pick up the EVO?
that's a tricky one, you'd actually be better off to set everything up in store because we may not be able to process the phone at a discounted rate because if you set it up the day before on an old phone our activation system may not show that you're eligible for a discount on a new phone so rather than risking a confused associate you'd be better off to let the store handle it by the book