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Old 07-18-2006, 02:44 AM
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I like magic button, except for phone not going away and if you "don't show when inactive" the phone you lose the icon. That and the phone flashes up for a second after you close a program with "dnswi" selected. I like wisbar for the repeat notifications, but the desktop dress up isn't very functional but it looks nice IMO. I would get Phonealarm, but I really do not like or need all the (ugly)buttons it adds to the today screen. I prefer a clean Today screen with just whatever I am using for the wallpaper currently and a couple everyday uses (which wisbar kinda provides). I could never really get wisbar just the way I wanted. I did sometimes get the original theme flashing behind the menubars while using wisbar. I never really noticed lag while using wisbar. What were you trying to do when you get lag?

I was just wondering if anybody could really sell me on one or the other. Some glaring difference that makes one stand out from the other.

wideawake, are you saying if you do the repeat notification hack, memmaid will stop the notification from repeating after you check the notification (the notification keeps going for a couple of minutes on my xv with the hack)? Is memmaid freeware?

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