Hi everyone! i need some help, i just got a new htc hero (cdma) i found this page surfing the web, and i saw that meaby you guys can have a solution for my problem, i cant sync my facebook contacts, i dont know why… this phone should do it automaticly, i put my user name and my pass in “accounts” and nothing hapend, i already tried clicking the “sync all” and nothing happends, no facebook contacts, nos birthdays, no events… nothing… i triied to download the “update” (the facebook app from the market) and i cant sync the contacts from there eather…, i CAN log in, i can se my pictures, my notification and everything, but when i try to see my friends list i always get this message… “cannot retrieve the friend list. please try again later. [18/this api call could not be compleated due to resource limits]”
can u help me? thanks!!!
pd.- i have 4535 friends on facebook (i dont know if thats causing the problem…) meaby its because i have too many and it have a limit… but the weird thing is that i already tried with other accounts and….. NOTHING! =(
Im using
Fresh Rom 2.1.1 by flipz