Originally Posted by drnick5
I have just sold my Touch pro 2 on ebay...so this will be my final post in this thread. I want to personally thank Mighty Mike and everyone else who contributes to this rom/thread for making my touch pro 2 so much more useful. you made my touch pro and touch pro 2 so much better its a wonder why HTC doesn't hire you to make roms for them. haha
I have pre ordered an Evo (as im sure a lot of you have) and am looking forward to the switch over to Android. I will miss my hardware keyboard dearly.. but my hopes are that a 4.3" screen will be pretty easy to type on in landscape move. But until June 4th...I'm back on my Moto Q... who doesn't love WM 5? right?
Again, thanks again for everything.
Yes, another one joins me on the dark side.