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Old 05-24-2010, 03:45 PM
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Re: HTC TP2 versus Android?

When choosing, you need to compare the OS... Kinda hard to compare hardware on two whole different platforms...Ill take a stab though...

1. Is the android a better phone than the tp2? Android OS is better than WM 6.1 or 6.5 which the TP runs

2. Which phone are the productivity applications such as email, word processing and document reading better on? Maybe a draw here.. I dont mess with the office side but email, text, and pic mail are pretty quick on both

3. What is this enhanced data pack that sprint is saying I have to get with the Android? I left Sprint a while back so not sure but on VZW we have to have the $29 data pack.

4. Are there custom roms or will there be with the droid? Or do we take what we can get from Sprint? I use Mighty Mike ROM on my tp2 and like it but I'm not against using the sprint set up. No real rom needed... With the marketplace apps and the droids customizable interface I havent wanted for anything on it. I was never totally happy on any rom for the TP since there was always something I disliked...

5. What about wireless, will I no longer be able to tether my phone via Mighty Mikes Wireless router and will I be hamstringed by the data plan Sprint offers? A friend told me internet sharing was possible, but I have found the browser is enough to let me do what I need. No need to sync to Outlook anymore, everything is saved on google just in case.

6. How many apps with the droid do and will it do multiple apps well. My TP2 seems to not like anymore than 3-4 apps open at a time. No idea. I use app killer and keep it to 3 or less for my preference
Devour -> Ally -> Droid -> Ally -> Droid 2
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