Re: *** 5/19/10 Timberwolf Roms in 6 Colors + Matching Dialer
This is the list of problems that I am working on. If all of you could add to the list, it would help stay on track with which issues I need to get fixed.
1. Larger text in start menu. (Done)
2. File explorer freezing. ( Not sure if I can do anything about that) maybe try a different task mananger.
3. Add Comm Manager shortcut to Utilities Folder.
4. Change Dusk control buttons to flash to grey instead of black.
5. Add color matching softkey bar and taskbar to theme cabs. Or would you prefer to have options to cab install different taskbar's by themself.
5. Fix HTC calc icon not showing as dusk button.
6. Minor issue with slide to answer on dialer display.
7. ? go to darker background on dial pad.
8. Change Green Dusk theme to a darker green. Need to know from anyone using the hot pink if it needs to be darker?
9. More color themes to add.
10. Make more background TSK files that will not change the color dusk buttons installed, just the picture. Please post pictures that you want as a background in the start menu. Pictures must be no smaller than 480x800 or larger.
11. XDA_UC installed in rom, I don't have the time to find out why it's not working. If someone could do some research to find what is needed for this to work. Per instructions where I downloaded the cab, you have to credit a operator config.txt on SDcard to run on 1st boot. Maybe I miss read that and you just need to create a shortcut to the rile to run post flash. Need help with this one.
12. Fix why bluetooth icon (top taskbar) not showing when BT is active. (Works for the Sprint Only rom, but not in the 23569 rom)
Please add to this list if I have not mentioned any other issues that you might be having.
Question for Hunter7773!
There is a new 28XXX available, are you game for beta testing?
 He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion
Last edited by Timberwolf671; 05-24-2010 at 08:45 AM.