Originally Posted by boredandtattooed
this isnt the nag screen on someguymms here.. its on every screen of the app, and ever changing.. just saying, its a turn off to the platform
show me genius... show me one time where i mentioned this before?? i said something yesterday in keyboard threads about keyboards needing arrows, thats it ..
here, ill do the work for you since you wanna try to call me out..
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...3&postcount=22 and http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...77&postcount=6 those are my 2 post on anything to do with android keyboards.. and if you read them, youd see i dont use swype, i use Better Keyboard..
so link it, or it didnt happen...and STFU! go troll elsewhere
I apologize, I thought you had posted this post, but it was not you.
So Sorry to accuse you, I was wrong, I was just trying to show that Swype doesn't capture your username and passwords, similar to what the android message is.
Also the person that posted after me, said that always shows up when you install an aftermarket keyboard.
So again, I was wrong, Sorry boredandtattoed