Re: ****DISCUSSION: WM 6, 6.1, 6.5, 6.5.x, 7 opinions, KEEP OTHER THREADS ON SUBJECT*
Originally Posted by clueless25
Personally, I think it's going to flop. Win7 is not only ugly, win7 for regular pc's arent even compatible with most offices and those that rely on employee's to access information.
It might bode well for them not to bitch about reverse engineering of win 7 to keep win popular with users. Giving the advanvces of other OS's out there, I think it would be against microsoft to fight keeping their phone alive. Im not saying that winmo phones will ever dissapear, but doesnt seem like they are keeping in step neither. Buying winmo7 you loose a lot of programs untill and when they catch up to everyday users choice of programs.
Completely on the same page with you. really I think the survival of WP7 is going to be in advertising and marketing which MS has never been good at. I think if it can be reworked and the ability to create custom ROM for it will be a huge advantage for it.
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