Re: Android = SPAM... New Evo/Android users be warned
Google doesn't charge for any of there most used services and we love them for that... but they have to make money somehow or we wouldn't have opposition to these m$ and Apple guys. The reason these phones are so cheap compared to the Winmo phone is also b/c they run android. There has to be profit somewhere and they choose to use ads instead of direct charging which is good I think. It gets apps out there for free yet still ofers revenue for developers, you can literally try thousands of apps and use them for free rather than spend $ and find you hate the prog. like we have with winmo, or apple. The day where I have to see a TRIAL or AD for 10 seconds before running the program each time I launch it will be the day I would start complaining, but a little add at the top of my screen (esp a 4.3" screen) is nothing to me at the moment, I applaud google at keeping their ways years later. They did it with and was able to bring that same revenue stream to us on a huge level with these phones still keeping costs down to us.