Originally Posted by bignadad
Guys... Please don't bicker....
Yes i know a month or so ago i kind of made it seem like MaxSense would release soon.. And it was about to release before Max decided to Revamp before he had even released publicly. i am very glad he did, because it is nothing like it used to be.. Max can do just about whatever he wants to with manila now... So i apologize for "hyping" it up so much before, but since then its been very hush hush for that very reason..
Thanks for the explaination. I'm sure that will quail a lot of anxiety with the rest of us (me included I must admit) on when this was coming out. Now with that said, the color rom is nothing short of AWESOME! It's the fastest, stablest, good lookingest (yeah I said it) 6.5.5 rom I've seen yet. It does everything I need and gives me eye candy. I can't wait to see what MaxSense is going to be like! Keep it up Bignadad!!!